Tag archives for form
Contact form 7 : addition of send me a copy option from front-end
As we know that contact from 7 is a very useful plugin to be used for addition of various types of form on a wordpress website. Here we are discussing about a situation when we want to add a checkbox…
Contact form 7 : Customize dropdown options
When we are creating drop-down with the use of contact form 7, we are facing the issues with the validation. If we take an option then in that case required validation message will not show while submitting the form because…
Contact form 7 : How to add ID and class in form tag
When we want to add any class or ID to the form tag of a contact form, we have to modify the shortcode like the below one : Here myform-id and myform-class are the id and class…
Contact form7 : Add function on button click
We can call a function on button click when we are using contact form7. This function will call or work whether your form get submitted or not. To do this follow the instructions below : Add a jQuery to your…