Contact Form 7 : captcha option is not showing using really simple captcha
As we know really simple captcha is a widely used wordpress plugin which is very simple in nature as the name indicates. Now a days users are facing a general problem regarding this plugin which is :
PROBLEM : When we install really simple captcha from wordpress plugin section or manually upload plugin file to wordpress plugin folder. It will show to the plugins list and we activated it. As the plugin already defined, there are no additional settings for this plugin. We just need to go edit screen of any contact form and start using it. But now a days it is a general issue, we are not getting any section to configure captcha on that form edit screen. We assumed to find a option just like other fields but we only find recaptcha not captcha. We find the screen like the below image :
SOLUTION : As we all know it is a simple captcha for contact form 7 but it has few limitations like it is not having audio captcha option and less secure in nature. So now a days contact form 7 changed its recommendations from really simple captcha to recaptcha. Now contact form 7 recommends recaptcha which is widely used and a better solution for captcha.
But really simple captcha is also working as previous, you just need to make few configurations by yourself as mentioned below :
First Approach : According to this approach, we just need to add a line of code in our wp-config.php file:
Second Approach : According to this approach, we need to write a different code in our functions.php file of current theme as below :
add_filter( 'wpcf7_use_really_simple_captcha', '__return_true' );
Both approaches are doing the same task, choice is yours.
After putting a line of code you can see the option for using really simple captcha to the form edit screen. Just look at the below image, you can see a new option “CAPTCHA” added to the list.
Now your really simple captcha is working as per your needs, configure it and use it. But try to use recaptcha which is a google’s service and a better solution for captcha which is having various options and able to refine your entries in a better way. You may get few issues like recaptcha reset not working, but we have solution for almost all of them.
Captcha is useful in order to protect you against spam and other type of automated abuse.
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