Archives for Core PHP
How to get lat long from address in WordPress
Sometimes in wordpress we need to get latitude and longitude of a specific location from a address. Actually sometimes it is required to show location map, to get exact position of a particular place or we can use it to…
How to Get Day from Date
Sometimes we need to show the day of week for a given date. At some places, we want to show the day of the week and we are having the date. I am explaining the process to get the week…
get string between two words
Here we are discussing the method to get a string between two words or two characters. As we know that we have several string functions which are useful while we are performing this type of task. This can be done…
Custom Autocomplete textbox for WordPress
It is a autocomplete textbox using jquery in PHP. I have changed it according to wordpress users as well. Autocomplete textbox are showing the values by themselves after entering any letter in the textbox. Here we are discussing the autocomplete…