Author Archives: Sunil Chaudhary - Page 12
get string between two words
Here we are discussing the method to get a string between two words or two characters. As we know that we have several string functions which are useful while we are performing this type of task. This can be done…
Paypal sandbox : Instructions to make account and its use
Here we are discussing some simple steps to make and paypal sandbox account and its use. So, when we want to use Paypal in our site as a payment gateway, in this case we need to implement it in test…
Solution to : “Your theme does not declare WooCommerce support” Message
When we are working on a website and want to make it shopping website using woocommerce plugin. We just go to admin plugins sections and install woocommerce plugin. Woocommerce is a very good plugin to make a shopping website in…
get_post_meta is not working in functions.php
As we know that get_post_meta() function is used to fetch meta values of a post like custom fields. Sometimes we face a problem with that function while we are fetching any data of any post through get_post_meta() in in any…
Custom Autocomplete textbox for WordPress
It is a autocomplete textbox using jquery in PHP. I have changed it according to wordpress users as well. Autocomplete textbox are showing the values by themselves after entering any letter in the textbox. Here we are discussing the autocomplete…
Search custom post according to title
Sometime's we need to fetch some posts of a custom posts types according to the title. Here, we are discussing the situation where we need to fetch the posts of a custom post type which is similar to the title…